
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homemade Vanilla

I made my own vanilla!  I've always wanted to because it is supposed to be so much cheaper and so much BETTER tasting that the store bought stuff.  It was SO easy.  All you need is vanilla beans and vodka.  You make a slit through the vanilla bean, and put in a jar with the vodka.  I used 3 vanilla beans per cup of vodka.  Then you have to let it sit about 4 months until it is ready.  The best part, the beans never go bad, so as you use up your vanilla you can keep topping off your bottle with vodka.  I made a lot, and when the 4 months is up, I plan to divide it up into pretty bottles, label with pretty labels, and give out to family and friends :)
This is just 2 of the 5 jars I made (I ordered the vanilla beans through Amazon, and had to use them all of course!) The hard part now is waiting the 4 months!

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