
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


For those of you who know me I LOVE to have things organized.  Yep, I have it bad and having 3 kids 4 and under AND an organized house seems almost impossible!!  So while struggling to keep their toys together, art supplies stocked and easily accessible, diapers, toilet paper, food,....and on and on and on, I have come up with just a few things that have helped me! 

First is shoe organizers!  These are great for so many things!  This one is on the back of our laundry room door and serves as an 'Art/Project' keeper.  I did have it labeled but they fell off (should have bought a plastic one!).  I keep their paints, tape, pom poms, glue, scissors.....all of it right there (this is just off of the kitchen so very nice place).  

Because we do so much in the kitchen and the laundry room is right there I keep a lot of their art stuff on the shelves.  I love clear bins to keep things in.  These are shoe box size and I have fridge magnets (because I hate having them all over the fridge falling off!), a box of stuff for contact paper art, beanbags, foam letters....again I could go on and on.  

This is the same shelving unit and the main area I keep diapers (fully in stock!), toilet paper (ummm...completely out of at the moment) and paper towels.  I also keep some cleaning supplies in here because it is out of reach of the kiddos and extra boxed foods like cereal and pasta. 

As for their toys....well it is a work in progress!  I would really like to downsize and feel like every time I get rid of somethings there are new ones to take their place.  But we like to keep toys that promote use of their imagination and they don't play with any electronic toys.  I will do a longer post on toys at some point! 

One other thing that I posted on before was children helping out with chores and I showed that I have a laundry baskets for each kid and one for my husband and I.  The more I do this the more I LOVE it.  It really makes sorting the laundry go fast, folding it and putting it away.  My kids have really taken to helping with the sorting but I just love how quick it makes it go!  If you do not do this I highly recommend it!!

Some of my favorite organizing PINs are:

Enjoy and looking forward to tomorrow's post!

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