
Thursday, March 29, 2012

stained glass crosses

It's Thursday!!!!  Yeah for Thursdays with Janell! 

Today we did an Easter project with the kids.  Here is what we did:

I cut crosses out of construction paper (you can use any kind).  I cut up a bunch of tissue paper and then put the crosses onto clear contact paper that I got at Target.  The kids went to work placing the tissue paper onto the sticky side of the contact paper!

After that was done I put another piece of contact paper on top and then we hung them in the window!  We also did eggs!

Now most of you would probably want to cut around the cross but my kiddos put the tissue paper all over and did not want any cut off!

This is a great project for kids of all ages.  The older ones can cut their own tissue paper and make designs.  It has NO GLUE so is pretty much mess free! Good fine moter and creativity!

Now don't forget to talk about the importance of the cross with your kids while doing the project!  Always a time to share the gospel!

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