
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Here's the Scoop.....

So, we found this thing called Pinterest…and after too many sleepless nights from ideas running through our head, we decided we needed to set aside a time in our busy lives to get creative!
But that’s not where it started. We are neighbors and stay at home moms of 6 kids combined. Together, we spend most of our time coming up with new activities to occupy our kids, sharing recipes, finding ways to cut costs, and talking about all the things we saw on Pinterest. We finally decided to stop just PINNING and start DOING. We set aside one afternoon each week to work on something we PINNED. We know it’s not going to be easy to keep our kids busy while we get creative so we decided to include them with a craft of their own.

We love to look for great treasures at thrift stores, and garage sales. We love to find old, sometimes ugly items and repurpose them to be functional and beautiful. Our challenge is to spend little money to make big changes. We want our homes to reflect our personalities, and to work for both us and our children.

This blog is a way for us to keep track of and look back at all of the different things that we have done.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a blog! I can't wait to see what all you do. I also love the wood background on the blog too.
