
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Old Window

So, the first thing we are doing on here is playing catch-up...posting pictures of things we have already done, but not necessarily a full post of before and afters and how to's.  Some recent fun ones of mine include this old window I got from the Habitat for Humaity Re-store for $5.00.   I took it home and cleaned it up and painted the frame white.  Then I laid letters on top of it and gave it a coat of white spray paint, so that when I removed the letters it looked like this. 

Then I added some pictures of a recent vacation behind it and set it on our fireplace mantel.  I haven't decided yet if I will keep pictures behind it or not, and I haven't decided if I will even keep it on the mantel or not, but here's how it looks today:

This is one of those things that I will have to look at for a few days to decide if I like it or not! 

1 comment:

  1. I really like it with the pictures behind the letters. I've never seen this idea on pinterest- great!
